All birth charts contain all 12 houses, although you may not have a particular aspect (planet) in that house. But in every birth chart every sign is included because one of those signs rules a certain house in your birth chart whether you have planets there or not.
There are keywords associated with having certain planets or signs in the second house, however certain aspects between other placements in your birth chart and the evolution of that aspect make all the difference. These are just basic facts about each Placement in the second house.
The things that you value the most. This is the Second house. This house is the representation of how you act around or react to material wealth and comfort. How you view materials, sharing and giving and receiving comfort makes a difference with other aspects of your chart to enhance or diminish them. An active 2nd House may indeed imply financial fertility or an over-attachment to one's funds; transits to the 2nd House often test our understanding of our relationship between the material and non-material. The Second house is ruled by Venus and the zodiac sign Taurus. It is the house of habit, and what you do when you are most comfortable. It signifies the way someone handles money, and also how they choose to spend it. As we see, possession is a main theme of the 2nd House, a need for possession which extends itself to any field of life, even to love and sexuality. The necessity for sureness and certainties of this House develops often possessive love.
The Second house placements in your chart can often tell you how to reflect on the choices you make regarding what you value most and your finances. Look back at times you made important financial decision or decision based off possession and refer to your chart to see how you can grow in this area.
While having financial stability is important, do you also need to love what you do for a living? Does the simple fact that you are productive satisfy you? When you feel that something is yours, how do you react when asked to share it?